Visibility & Risk Analysis

Gain full, real-time visibility into all access attempts across your hybrid environment and AI-driven risk analysis of all users and resources.


Inventory & Auditing

Have operational insights on anything relating to your users, resources and authentication logs at your fingertips at all times.


Full Context

Create reliable, high-precision, and continuously updated behavioral baselines for each user in your environment with Silverfort’s AI-based risk engine.


Threat Detection

Create reliable, high-precision, and continuously updated behavioral baselines for each user in your environment with Silverfort’s AI-based risk engine.

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Gain powerful insights into your hybrid network

Identify security weaknesses and users, devices and services at risk of compromise with our continuous analysis of all on-prem and cloud access attempts.

Investigate quickly and efficiently

Gain full visibility into each user’s access trail across on-prem, SaaS and IaaS workloads. Reinforce this with continuous risk assessment based on behavioral analysis, known attack patterns, assigned privileges and third-party risk indicators.

Enrich your SOC with granular access logs

Silverfort sends detailed access logs in real time to your SIEM/SOAR/UEBA/log analytics solutions, arming your SOC teams with full visibility of all user and service account access attempts and risk scores.

"With Silverfort, we now have continuous visibility and real-time risk analysis into our identity security, which has allowed us to improve our response and mitigation efforts against incoming security threats."

Rusdi Rachim | Senior VP of Corporate Information Security

Customer Challenge

Indosat understood the different identity security risks posed by their users when accessing corporate resources. They needed improved visibility into their users’ logs and how they are being authenticated and identified.

Silverfort Solution

Silverfort enables Indosat to implement continuous monitoring and risk analysis across all users and external contractors. Indosat’s team now has full visibility into what’s normal – and what’s not – for each user account, so they can make informed decisions and take action whenever a risk is detected.

How they rate us:

4.7 – 28 Reviews

Learn more

Eliminate the Risk of Compromised Credentials with Unified Identity Protection

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Risk Analysis and Adaptive Policies in Zero Trust Security

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It’s Time for Unified Identity Protection

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Stop Identity Threats Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it essential to have real-time visibility and risk analysis?
Organizations must understand their exposure to incoming cyber attacks. By achieving full visibility into identity-based risks and their attack surfaces, it will become much simpler to assess and prioritize the risks.
Identity threats have become the most exposed attack surface in today’s enterprise infrastructure. The first step to increasing resilience against identity threats is to have end-to-end visibility into all authentications and access attempts made by all users and service accounts to any cloud or on-prem resource.
By running security risk analysis that can detect identity attacks before they mature into actual damage helps organizations to reduce operational costs, improve security awareness, meet compliance requirements, prevent falling victim to attacks, and more.

An IAM provides granular and comprehensive visibility to the authentications it controls (AD for on-prem, cloud IDP or Federation for SaaS\web apps, etc.). However, no IAM can provide this visibility to authentications controlled by its peers. In today’s hybrid environment, where there are often three or more IAM solutions in parallel, this means that no single IAM can provide centralized visibility into all authentications. Silverfort, on the other hand, integrates with all the different IAMs to aggregate their data and provide a single, consolidated view.

Silverfort sees the full authentication trail of each user, both on-prem and in the cloud. This enables Silverfort’s risk engine to create a high-precision behavioral baseline for each user and sense anomalous authentications when they happen. In addition, Silverfort also consumes risk data from other components in the security stack, such as SIEM, XDR, and SOAR, and feeds it to the user’s risk score calculation.